To cultivate cultures of peace as well as personal and social capacity building in communication and educational contexts, through empathy, the humanities and the languages of the arts.


To develop innovative educational and communicational methodologies to cultivate cultures of peace by invigorating networks of communicators, educators and students, through strengthening skills for peacebuilding by hosting individual and collective subjectivities in educational and communicational spaces.

To dynamize and execute training, dissemination, information and research activities to promote quality education and communication on intangible heritage (inclusive education, transformative education pedagogies, community participation, non-formal education, culture and the arts, indigenous knowledge), through generating empathy using personal and collective narratives, and the metaphorical and symbolic language of the arts.








Edu-actors develops and applies its communication know-how and its pedagogical methodologies through designing, training, and coordinating local and international ad-hoc trans-disciplinary teams of teachers, educators, activists, researchers, artists, communicators and media experts.

“The social interactions inherent to the human being are an inexhaustible source of creative tension. For me, enhancing latent creativity in educational spaces means facilitating the generation of communicative processes that involve community, sharing, common sense, as well as the aspiration to expand what we have in common.”

Daniel Fernández, founder and president of Edu-actors.

Daniel Fernández is the founder and president of Edu-actors. He has international senior-level expertise (in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, North and South America, and Asia) as a program and project manager, in development of curricular and extra-curricular pedagogical contents, communication, authoring, design, planning, video and audiovisual production, leadership and implementation of education and communication projects and campaigns promoting social justice, global citizenship, sustainable development, and cultures of peace.

“All of us represent different generations and histories; a number have experienced war and some are educators and students; and many have more than one of these identities. So isolated as we are, your willingness to share your history and seeing a group of people for whom your words resonated created a community; and a moment of solidarity across time and space”.

Joyce A. Apsel. New York University (USA)

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